Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Blogger tips, tricks and hacks

Great sites to maximize your Blogger site

For me, Blogspot is the most versatile free blog service in the web. Though, it doesn't have categories, the sheer amount of hacks and enhancements you can apply to Blogger is phenomenal. Below are some sites that will help you maximize your Blogger site.

Blog University - A lot of tweaks to blogger including how-to to add graphics to your blog tewmplate.

Freshblog - This is one of the best if not the best Blogger resource in the net. The site has a lot of tutorial to customize your blogger site.

More to come soon: I'll be adding more Blogger resources to this list as soon as I find more sites that will help with our Blogger needs. I'll add this post to the side bar eventually for easy access. I'll also add great Adsense tips to this list as soon as I get my lazy butt out of my easy chair.

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